
Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Please Bring Lulu Back!!

Here is a very sad story. . . Lulu is the name of the doll from the last post who I made the clothes for. Unfortunately, due to my procrastination I did not get the clothes done until after dark on the night before Christmas. I wanted to wait to take the pictures during the daylight so that they would have adequate lighting. So I borrowed Lulu and the clothes back last weekend so that I could take the pictures. Mary's dad drives my husband to work each morning (my husband uses a wheelchair, so he cannot drive). So I packed up Lulu and all of her new clothes into a paper grocery bag with handles. My husband was going to give the bag to Mary's dad when he picked him up that morning. As we were leaving for work in the morning I brought the bag downstairs and set it in the lobby of our condo building next to my husband. He had to wait for about five minutes for his ride to show up.

Two days later my sister politely told me that Mary kept asking for her doll, and could they have it back. After a very confused discussion we finally established that Mary's dad had never seen the brown bag. So what happened to it? The bag was sitting on the far side of my husband's wheelchair, so Mary's dad could not see it. After five minutes of waiting in the lobby my husband forgot to mention the bag. They walked away and left it sitting right in the middle of the lobby.

I had just taken the pictures of Lulu, so I have posted a missing poster in the lobby with a plee to my neighbors to please return the doll. So far, she has not been returned, but I did get a call from a man who said that he saw my husband and Mary's dad walking away from the bag, but he was in a hurry so he did not say anything. He also said that the bag was still sitting in the lobby when he went through at 3:00. I got home a little bit after 4:00. I did not see the bag in the lobby when I got home. So frustrating!

Here is a brief reenactment of Mary's reaction:


Where is Lulu?


Please bring her back!

(please disregard the huge mess in the background!)

- Laura

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